>>To integrate with Active campaign first register with free trail edition by the below link
>> After logging in create a list by clicking on LIST TAB
>>At the complete right top of the screen,click on your profile and click on my settings.
>>under your settings take the key and url and use them in the following code.
Ex: Key='a1228bae475b1f07c64dbf7d4018758c5f3cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
>> please register Active campaign url in the salesforce remote site settings.
EX: https://tcs550.activehosted.com
Step 1:
create below class in the Salesforce org, this is to control recursion
Step 2:
create below class in the Salesforce org, this contains http code.
Step 3:
Copy this code in the contact triggers, this helps to integrate in real time
trigger syncwithactivecampaigns on Contact (after insert, after update) {
For(Contact c1:Trigger.new){
>> After logging in create a list by clicking on LIST TAB
>>At the complete right top of the screen,click on your profile and click on my settings.
>>under your settings take the key and url and use them in the following code.
Ex: Key='a1228bae475b1f07c64dbf7d4018758c5f3cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';
>> please register Active campaign url in the salesforce remote site settings.
EX: https://tcs550.activehosted.com
Step 1:
create below class in the Salesforce org, this is to control recursion
public class recursioncontrol { public static boolean firstRun = true; } |
Step 2:
create below class in the Salesforce org, this contains http code.
public class activecamp { @future (callout=true) public static void contactcreation(string firstname, string lastname, string email) { String APIkey='a1228bae475b1f07c64dbf7d4018758c5f3cac6b036c4c0c1afa70e5051c1cd5dcbd099b'; String apiaction='contact_add'; string hostname='https://tcs550.api-us1.com/admin/api.php?'; string apioutput='json'; String thirdpartyendpoint=hostname+'api_key='+APIkey+'&api_action='+apiaction+'&api_output='+apioutput; HttpRequest req=new HttpRequest(); req.setMethod('POST'); req.setEndpoint(thirdpartyendpoint); req.setBody('Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); string targetString='email='+email +'&first_name='+firstname+'&last_name='+lastname+'&p[1]=1'; req.setBody('Content-Length="512"'); req.setBody(targetString); System.debug('HttpRequest :' +req); System.debug('HttpRequest :' +req.getBody()); HttpResponse response = null; Http http = new Http(); response = http.send(req); system.debug('@@@@@@@@@@@'+response); system.debug('@@@@@@@@@@@'+response.getBody()); } } |
Step 3:
Copy this code in the contact triggers, this helps to integrate in real time
trigger syncwithactivecampaigns on Contact (after insert, after update) {
For(Contact c1:Trigger.new){
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