146. What are the different exceptions in apex
Ans - Apex exceptions can be built in or we can also create our own custom exceptions. Exception class is the super class of all the built in exceptions. So as to create a custom exception the class name should end with string 'exception' and it should extend any of the built in exception class or other custom exception class.
147. What different access modifiers can be used for apex classes?
Ans - Apex classes can have either or these three access modifiers 1. Private 2. public 3. global
148. What different access modifiers can be used for class members?
Ans - Class members can have any of these four access modifiers 1. global 2. public 3. protected 4. private
149. What are governers limit in salesforce?
Ans - Governers limit are run time limits that are enforced by salesforce. Governers limits are reset per transaction.
150. What is an apex transaction?
Ans - An apex transaction represents set of operations that are executed as a single synchronous unit.
151. What does heap in apex mean?
Ans - Every apex transaction has its heap. Heap is nothing but the garbage collected at the end of every apex transaction.
152. How many callouts to external service can be made in a single apex transaction?
Ans - A total of 10 callouts are allowed in a single apex transaction
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