Friday, December 27, 2019

Get current release of the Salesforce with the Rest API

>> Some times when integrating with salesforce, we are unsure what is the current release of the org which we are trying to integrate.

>> Even after logging into the salesforce, we can only see the image of the current release and version number but in none of the places, we can see whether it is winter, spring or summer release.

>> To get the information, login into the workbench and execute the below URL to get the releases data, the last record is the current version/release of your instance. From the below picture, you can identify the current release of my org is Winter 20


If you wish to get the same information in the any other integration system to check if there is any release that took place recently, use the below URL after getting access token/session Id.

It also provides the latest version/release of the organization which you are trying to hit.

Note: Salesforce runs on multiple server instances. The examples in this guide use yourInstance in place of a specific instance. Replace that text with the instance for your org

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Remove Lightning web components Play ground footer for better Playing.

When I'm accessing the Play ground to test few things on the lightning web components on the component library documentation,  I have found the practice is quite annoying because of  the existing large footer on the page which always compels me to scroll down the page unnecessarily which in turn consuming the time.  I thought of removing certain parts of the page so that I can focus on what matters the most and test the code accordingly.  Eventually came up with the below code to skip the long footer and some part of the header to create proper platform for your testing and reading the lightning web component guide.

Open your browser console and execute below code to skip the long footer and some part of the header to create proper platform for your testing and reading the web component guide with ease.

var footer = document.querySelector('footer'); footer.parentNode.removeChild(footer);

var compoheader = document.querySelector('.bottom'); compoheader.parentNode.removeChild(compoheader);

Before executing code, your page looks like below.

After executing code in the console, your page looks like below.

Note: Even while reading the lightning web component library, paste above code and read the whole document with luxury until you refresh your url completely.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Override or append to the existing SLDS Classes.

You might wonder is there any way to override or append something to the existing SLDS classes generated by the salesforce. Yes there is a way to do it, that is what we are discussing here.

When ever you use lightning prefix components, behind the scene's there would be lot of internal slds classes generated.
We can extend these generated classes functionality by appending/overriding our custom css to the existing classes.

component code

<aura:component description="search form">
    <aura:attribute name="searchterm" type="string" default="dave"/>
      <lightning:input value="{!v.searchterm}" name="search term" label="Search term(s)" class="myclass"/>


Out put as follows.

Now we want different border color for the input field. To do that, follow the below steps

inspect the code generated by the framework as below.

And then create your own css class append to the auto generated slds class.

Css code
.THIS.myclass .slds-input {
    border-width :8px;

Now you will see the expected  border with different color and border width.

Overall, we were able to append our own css to the existing lightning:input element.

Note: you cannot override standard styling of slds classes in LWC due to the Shadow DOM and the way that CSS works in LWC. Currently developers do not have a way to override/customize CSS that is derived from Base Components. Salesforce team is working on giving developers more options, but at this point of time they can't commit to a timeline.

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